
From one collector to another

Time for another update . . . so soon??

It hasn't been very long since the last two updates, but enough has been happening to warrant another status note.

Mojö Thylacine

Mojö Thylacine

The 2015 Mojö Fun figures are now on their way to DeJankins.  We hope they will arrive in the next few days.  Exactly what we will get in is not known just yet . . . it has been quite a while since the order was made, and no order summary or invoice has yet been received to describe the contents of the shipment.  But as soon as we have the items in stock, we will certainly update the Mojö page in the DeJankins "Store" showing what items are here and what their cost will be.  Check back occasionally to stay on top of things.

And about the Tamba Sauropod - the Kinto Soft Model Tambatitanis is sold out again.  It didn't take long for those six to get claimed, but it was good that we were able to find a few for customers that weren't able to get it last year when we had a larger number in stock.

The new Terra dinosaurs from Battat have begun showing up in our area of North Carolina.  DeJankins is not able to purchase these items from the manufacturer because of the exclusive contract with Target stores.  But we have been picking them up as we come across them to make them available to DeJankins customers who have not been able to get them in their area.  This is mainly benefitting our customers outside of the United States.  If you find yourself in that situation, send us an email and we'll let you know which of those items are currently available here.

Enough news for today.  Thanks for your kind support!


© DeJankins 2013